SS&C Technologies: Remote & Virtual Sales Roundtable (virtual)

Remote & Virtual Sales Virtual keynote: "Alignment of Asset Management Sales Resources" (Unlimited attendance from participating firms) Wednesday, March 15, 2023 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. Eastern Presented by Matt Fronczke, Director of Research & Consulting, SS&C   For more information, contact Lee Kaworski

SS&C Technologies: Remote & Virtual Sales Roundtable (virtual)

Virtual roundtable Discussion for Heads of Remote & Virtual Sales Teams (Limited to one attendee from each participating firm) Wednesday, March 15, 2023 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern Moderated by Lee Kowarski, VP, Head of Distribution Solutions, SS&C   For more information, email Lee Kaworski

Interactive Webcast: Mobile Platform

Continuing our work with SFDC from our working sessions in Atlanta this past fall, we will be holding an interactive update, Q&A, demo and feedback session for the SME Forum members currently using and interested in the SFDC Mobile solution. In the breakout session this fall, there was a wide gap of familiarity with the […]

SS&C Technologies: Product & Platform Trends (virtual panel)

  Product & Platform Trends Virtual panel: “Investment Platform Developments & Model Portfolios”  (Unlimited attendance from participation firms) Tuesday, April 4, 2023 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Moderator: Lee Kowarski, VP, Head of Distribution Solutions, SS&C Panelists: TBD – previous years’ panelists have represented AssetMark, Bank of America Merrill, Edward Jones, Envestnet, Morgan Stanley, Russell, […]

Sales Activity Benchmark Webcast

Wholesaler distribution has undergone a tumultuous 3 years, subjected to (1) a ~40% loss of advisor mindshare in 2020 made more difficult with an inability to meet in person, then (2) a struggle to engage with them in 2021 with ~35% unreached, and finally (3) a ~75% rise of in-person engagement, but at the expense […]

2023 Spring SME Forum

  Registration now open through April 14- McCormick Ranch room block is available until March 27   This forum will be the last of the three part series we launched last year focusing on the inter-connectedness of the Distribution and Marketing organizations at asset management firms.  The closing theme for this topic in Scottsdale will […]

Webcast: Improving Event ROI

In a sales environment that is increasingly competitive for meaningful in-person engagement, marketers and their distribution partners continue to struggle with their participation at industry events.  Most asset managers can’t even tell which events all their sales and marketing organizations have participated in. To be fair, the issues are multi-tiered and complex: What are all […]

How Asset Managers Can Modernize Their Distribution Using AI: Webcast

Many of our SME Forum members have been reaching out to learn more about Tifin with their AI and machine learning solutions that are helping Asset Managers to position their products much more efficiently and effectively in front of the right advisors.  Now this is no magic bullet, but Tifin has been working in this space for […]

2023 Global SME Forum: London

Connecting the Data   Click here to Learn More and to Register   “Connecting The Data” is the overall theme of the conference but we mean it from the broad perspective of how fundamental data is to all our roles and objectives in the Marketing, Sales, and Operations of our global asset management firms.  Our […]

Are Your Systems Ready? 6 Questions to Answer About Implementing the Tailored Shareholder Rule. An Interactive Webinar with Synthesis and Red Oak Compliance

   In July 2024, the SEC’s Tailored Shareholder Rule (TSR) will go into effect. The TSR represents a sea change in how ’40 Act funds report to their shareholders. How? The TSR mandates something less like a shareholder report and more like a traditional institutional fact sheet: clear, concise, and emphasizing the essentials. The TSR […]

Get Your Enterprise Ready for Microsoft OpenAI: Webinar with HSO

This webinar we will explore the potential of OpenAI services: Overcoming challenges and maximizing benefits in enterprise implementation. What to expect: Are you interested in harnessing Microsoft's OpenAI and LLM models like ChatGPT for the enterprise? While the process of setting up CoPilot and small POCs is straightforward, preparing for a large-scale rollout in an […]

SS&C Technologies: Roundtable for Distribution & Marketing Leaders (NYC)

Dinner and Roundtable In-person event in NYC for Heads of Distribution and Marketing (Limited to one attendee from each participating firm) Monday, September 11, 2023 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Eastern Dinner & discussion with representatives from leading broker/dealers   Tuesday, September 12, 2023 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eastern  Keynote presentation by Matt Fronczke, Director […]